
Tecnología antimicrobiana

Aditivos antimicrobianos Cesa™ WithStand™

Limita el crecimiento microbiano

Seamos realistas: los gérmenes están en todas partes, especialmente en las superficies de los polímeros que se comunican al tacto. Whether you manufacture appliances, electronics, packaging products, automotive parts, or sporting goods, the right additive can help you combat microbe formation and growth on your product’s plastic surfaces.​

Cesa™ WithStand™ antimicrobial additives provide a proven, effective, durable solution to limit microbe development in finished plastic products. They also help to reduce odor, staining, discoloration, loss of mechanical properties, and other detrimental effects of microbe growth.

Contáctese con un experto en productos

Human Health and Safety Human Health & Safety


  • Reduces bacterial, mold and fungal growth on the surface and through the thickness of the part​
  • Helps reduce odor, staining and discoloration​
  • Suitable for extrusion, injection molding, blow molding, rotational molding and thermoforming​



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